Wien Museum, Mein Stück Wien.

Search address

Freyung 3
today: Singerstraße 7


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total EUR

The sponsorship in the category 100 € per address is directed at individuals.
If you want to support our project as a company or association at 1.000 € per address, please contact us directly (
All donations to the Wien Museum are tax-deductible in Austria and free of VAT.

Selected address

Historical address:
Freyung 3
Singerstraße 7



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  2. Step 2: Shipping address
  3. Step 3
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Selected addresses
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total EUR

The sponsorship in the category 100 € per address is directed at individuals.
If you want to support our project as a company or association at 1.000 € per address, please contact us directly (
All donations to the Wien Museum are tax-deductible in Austria and free of VAT.

  1. Billing address

    We would like to send you a present.

  2. Shipping address

    I would like to acquire the sponsorship as a gift for someone else. Please send the confirmation and surprise package to my billing address, but name the following patron in the 3D model:

    If we are to send your gift directly to the patron, please enter the delivery address above.

  3. Donation information

    The Wien Museum is a donation-favored institution. In order to report your donation to the tax office and so you can make a deduction from the tax, please enter your date of birth and name according to your registration card (This declaration is optional):

    Date of birth

    How i want to be named on the website:

  4. Payment method

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This address is reserved.

Selected address

Historical address:
Freyung 3
Singerstraße 7

About the project

The full model of the 3D-map is available on your desktop.

Become a patron of our big city model! The model of Vienna's first district was created in 1898 on the occasion of Emperor Francis Joseph's 50th crown jubilee and as a symbol of the growth and transformation that made Vienna one of the world's major cities at the turn of the 20th century. While the Wien Museum is renovated and expanded, the model – 13’x16.5’ and made of paper – has to undergo extensive conservation.

Do you have a personal memory connected to a particular address? Is there a place you particularly love? Would you like to dedicate a part of Vienna to someone? Become a patron right here on our website or inquire about it at the shop of the Wien Museum MUSA!

The 3D-Model can be navigated using the symbols on the bottom left, much like on Google Maps. Alternatively, you can simply type a desired address in the search field.

Starting at Euro 100 per address, you can support the renovation of this icon in the Wien Museum's collection. We offer sponsorship in three categories - all amounts are tax deductible as a donation.

Category „Your Choice Address“– 100 Euro per address

Addresses are available directly through the website. This category is for individuals. The sponsorship includes naming rights (if desired) on the 3D model and the digital honor board at the new Wien Museum.

Category „Business Address“– 1,000 Euro per address

We offer this category for companies / associations that want to support the restoration project by buying their own business address in Vienna's Inner City. Please contact us directly. The sponsorship includes prominent naming rights (if desired) on the 3D model (ahead of all individual donors) and the digital honor board at the new Wien Museum. In addition, we will invite you to special events with the experts of the museum, where you get insights into the restoration work on the model.

Category „Grand Sight“– 10,000 Euro per address

The biggest landmarks in Vienna’s inner district (Castle garden, City Hall, Danube Canal, Imperial Palace, Museum of Art History, Museum of National History, National Theater, Parliament, St. Charles’ Church, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, State Opera, Technical University, University of Vienna, Votive Church) have been reserved for contributions in the amount of Euro 10,000. Please, contact us directly in case of interest. The sponsorship includes the most prominent naming rights (if desired) on the 3D model (ahead of all other donors) and the digital honor board at the new Wien Museum. In addition, we will invite you to special events with the experts of the museum, where you get insights into the restoration work on the model.

Contributions are tax-decuctible. To inquire about the specifics or in case of questions, please write us at We are ready to help you choose your buildings!

List of Patrons

We thank all patrons for their generous support of our restoration project – and those who want to remain anonymous.

Grand Sight

  • Cetus Baudevelopment GmbH
  • Gustav Klimt | Wien 1900 – Privatstiftung
  • Patrick Kovacs Kunsthandel GmbH
  • Ronco Management Holding GmbH
  • Gabrielle Schallenberg
  • Steinmetzmeisterbetrieb Wolfang Ecker Gesellschaft m.b.H in Zusammenarbeit mit KOMAT Korrosionsschutz GmbH & Co KG und XERVON Austria GmbH
  • Verein der Freunde des Wien Museums
  • rhtb: pGruppe

Business Address

  • AMISOLA Immobilien AG
  • AON Jauch & Huebener GmbH
  • Amerika - Institut
  • CABARET FLEDERMAUS BAT-CAB Gastronomie & Veranstaltung GmbH
  • Café Schwarzenberg
  • Cetus Baudevelopment GmbH
  • Colliers International
  • Kursalon Hübner
  • Discokaiser Mario Plachutta
  • Dorotheum GmbH & Co KG
  • Kärntner Ring 10-14 Immobilien OG
  • ESTRELLA Immobilieninvest AG
  • Edifice GmbH & Co KG
  • Gelbmanns Gaststube
  • Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien
  • Hil-Real GmbH
  • Hotel Wandl
  • IMMOROHR Immobilien GmbH
  • JP Immobilien
  • KOPITSCH&VOGLER Baugesellschaft mbH
  • Buchhandlung LEPORELLO
  • Landesinnung Wien der Mode
  • NOVOREAL Immobilieninvest AG
  • Otto Immobilien GmbH
  • Proximitas Steuerberatungs GmbH
  • RADATZ Feine Wiener Fleischwaren
  • 3SI Immogroup GmbH
  • Sammlung Sanziany & Palais Rasumofsky
  • Schauspielschule Krauss GmbH
  • Schmetterlinghaus
  • Karl Skyba
  • Verein der Museumsfreunde
  • Kipferlhaus Immobilien KG
  • Wien Holding GmbH
  • WINEGG Realitäten GmbH
  • actuarconsult Ingenieurbüro für Versicherungsmathematik GmbH
  • wohninvest gmbh

Your Choice Address

  • Thomas Abfalter
  • Margot Aderhold
  • Kristina Adler
  • Wolfgang Ossa Adler
  • Prof. Wolfgang Adler
  • Hermine Agnezy
  • Eric Agstner
  • Doris Maria Aigner
  • Gerhard Anger
  • Elisabeth Arzberger
  • Paul Asenbaum
  • Wolfgang Auinger
  • Anna Baldini
  • Christoph Bauer
  • Martin Bauer
  • Christoph Bazil
  • Pascale Begert
  • Aurel Berger
  • Christiane Bertolini
  • Michael Bilina
  • Brigitte Binder
  • Franz-Josef Bischoff
  • Gerhard Blaboll
  • Jean-Claude Bofferding
  • Christoph Bohacek
  • John Boyer
  • Eva Brandstetter
  • Dominik Brauchart
  • Thesi Breunig
  • Marlies Breuss
  • Brigitte Binder
  • Markus Bruckmüller
  • Jean-Claude Brunner
  • Regina Brunnhofer
  • Monique Brusatti
  • Ernst Brückler
  • John Bunzl
  • Matti Bunzl
  • Martina Burget
  • Georg Bánó
  • Claudia Cavallar
  • Johannes Cerny
  • Isabelle et Jean-Louis Chollet
  • Bruno und Brunhilde de Cillia
  • William Cohn
  • Markus Colle
  • Evelyn Curtin
  • Franz Diboky
  • Michael Diem
  • Alexander Ditscheiner
  • Erich Dix
  • Christian Dobler
  • Christof Domenig
  • Gerhard Dorfer
  • Katja Dworak Schmuckwerkstatt
  • Brigitte Dübell
  • Mirjjam Dür
  • Alois Eberl
  • Franz Efler
  • Elisabeth Egger
  • Verena Ehrnberger
  • Markus Eiblmayr
  • Alexander Eisele
  • Sissy und Fritz Ellert
  • Friedrich Ellert & Enkel
  • Familie Endlicher
  • Birgit Engel
  • Korbinian H. Erasin
  • Albert Erjavec
  • Christian Ernst
  • Franziska Ernst
  • Dr. Renate Ertl
  • Ing. Alexander Ertl
  • MMag.Karin Anna Ertl
  • Brigitte Estl
  • Isabelle Exinger-Lang
  • Irene Faber
  • Georg Falkner
  • Familie Niedermühlbichler
  • Ernst M Felberbauer
  • Franz Feldgrill
  • im Gedenken an Fritz Feldner
  • Martina Felfernig
  • Lori Felton
  • Andrea & Johann Feßl
  • Johannes Fiala
  • Hermann Filsegger
  • Julian Fischer
  • Gertrud Fischer
  • Wladimir Fischer-Nebmaier
  • Brigitte Flasch
  • Daniel Flasch
  • Florian Forster
  • Franz Fraberger
  • Sabine Frank-Moser
  • Daniela Franke
  • Elvira Franta
  • Gerbert Frodl
  • Andrea Fronaschütz
  • Stjepan Galic
  • Stefan Gasch
  • Nora Gasser
  • Hannes Gastinger
  • Speckstandl Georg Lehner
  • Gerda & Lukas
  • Gabriele Gibiser
  • Moritz Gieselmann
  • Andrea Glatz
  • Klomfar GmbH
  • Denkmalneu GmbH
  • S. Laskowsky
  • Helga und Ingrid Goll
  • Konrad Gornik
  • Sylvia Grabner
  • Brigitte Gradauer
  • Alexander Graff
  • Elisabeth Graff
  • Isaak Granzer
  • Marianne Greber
  • Alexander Greis
  • Grillparzer Gesellschaft
  • Esther Grisham Grimm
  • Detlef Gronau
  • Helga Gruber
  • Andreas Gruber
  • Richard Grubman
  • Emma Emilia Elisabeth Gräfin Erdödy
  • Marcus Gräser
  • Christoph Gstaltmeyr
  • Eva Maria Gush
  • Bernhard Göritzer
  • Katharina Götschl
  • Saara Haapamäki
  • Börge und Susi Haas
  • Ingrid Hackl
  • Daniela Haertel
  • Anna und Bertram Haller
  • Karl Hammer
  • Franz Handl
  • Ute und Stefan Handler
  • Gilbert Hangel
  • Jürgen-Volker Hanreich
  • Emma Hartlieb
  • Florentine Hartmann
  • Markus Haselbacher
  • Claudia Haselmayer
  • Maria Haselmayer
  • Elisabeth Heimann
  • Martin Heinzle
  • Familie Heiss
  • Jörg Heißenberger
  • Peter Helbok
  • Rosa Maria Held
  • Gerd Hemmelmeyer
  • Friederike & Charlotte Herz
  • Thomas Heskia
  • Christian Hilpert
  • Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen
  • Heidi & Peter Hofbauer
  • Barbara Hofbauer
  • Lothar Hofbauer
  • Tobias Hofbauer
  • Zum Holunderstrauch
  • Andrea Hoppe
  • Jürgen Hoy
  • Philipp Hruby
  • Michael Huey
  • Angelika Humer
  • Werner Humhal
  • Lucie und Michael Hämmerle
  • Otto Höller
  • Horst Illek
  • Lorenz Intichar
  • Rick Isaacs
  • Friedrich Janca
  • Darko Janosevic
  • Wolfgang Jansky
  • Robert Jauernik
  • Johann Jechlinger
  • Brigitte Jilka
  • Angelika Jobst
  • Johannes
  • Bettina Joseph
  • Julia Fabich
  • Margit Jäger
  • Gabriele Jöchl
  • Hedwig Kadletz
  • Olaf Kamelger
  • Jennifer Kang
  • Heinrich Kappinger
  • Karl Skyba
  • Michael Kastner
  • Ferdinand Kastner
  • Jutatip Kastner
  • Katharina Mörtl
  • Victoria Katzensteiner
  • Gunda & Dieter Kaufmann
  • Bernhard Kenner
  • Jette & Udo Keppler
  • Elisabeth Kerjaschki
  • Dontscho Kerkaschki
  • Daniel Kiefer
  • Karlheinz Klema
  • Paul Klema
  • Günter Klemenz
  • Ulrike Klinke
  • Alexandra Kneissel
  • Moritz Fridolin Knöbl-Wellan
  • Barbara und Michael Kolb
  • Marion Koller
  • Tania Koller
  • Irene Koller
  • Miya Komori-Glatz
  • Margit Korby
  • Wolfgang Kos
  • Armin Kosely
  • Kurt Kospach
  • Sylvia Kovacek
  • Familie Kracker
  • Elisabeth Kramer
  • Christoph Kramer
  • Kurt Kratzel
  • Friederike Kraus
  • Brigitte Kraus
  • Burkard Kreppel
  • Sascha Kreuzel
  • Alfred Kroll
  • Peter Krone
  • Anette Kruzik
  • Norbert Kruzik
  • Anton J. Kunesch
  • Walter Kuntner
  • Walter Kuta
  • Richard Kwizda
  • Thomas Köberl
  • Annemarie Köchl
  • Aurelian Körner
  • Familie Külzer Sakelliou
  • Thomas G. Lachs
  • Vera Lacina
  • Gabriele Lamm
  • Christopher Lane
  • Matthias Lang
  • Barbara Lang
  • Brigitte Lang
  • Hans Langenbach
  • Margit Langer
  • Traudl Mayr
  • Edith Lauermann
  • Oliver Lehmann
  • Georg Lehner
  • Richard Lein
  • Gerhard Lenz
  • Hedwig & Werner Leskovar
  • Thomas Liebhart
  • Raimund Lissy
  • Veronika Lust
  • Heinz Löber
  • Petra Stefanie Madlé
  • Clemens Maier
  • Andreas Mailath-Pokorny
  • Friederike Mair
  • Christoph Mallinger
  • Wilhelm Maly
  • Martina Maly
  • Arthur Mannsbarth
  • Teresa Marchesani
  • Thomas Marek
  • Elisabeth Marino
  • Martin und Tina
  • Martin Matejka
  • Barbara Materna
  • Olaf und Manuela Matthias
  • Sylvia Mattl
  • Willy Matzke
  • Lisl Mayer-Maly
  • Martin Mayr
  • Maria Mayr Munoz Carrillo
  • Gerlinde Mayr-Meissner
  • Bine Maywald
  • Susanna Mazura-Grohmann
  • Franz-Stefan Meissel
  • Walter Meister
  • Nora und Hartmut Melzer
  • Wolfgang Metz
  • Bernhard Miks
  • Katja Miksovsky
  • Stephan von Minden
  • Alexander Minichshofer
  • Carmen & Elena Mitterhofer
  • Moniben
  • Bastian de Monte
  • Barbara Moss
  • Barbara Mucha
  • Richard u. Sarah Muin
  • Anja Mönkemöller
  • Familie Nagler
  • Andrew Nash
  • Utta Nehonsky
  • Heinz Neidl
  • Susanne Nemestothy - Schmid und Andreas Nemestothy
  • Adalbert Nemeth
  • Gerald Netzl
  • Stephan Neuhäuser
  • Robert R. Neumayr
  • Familie Niedermühlbichler
  • Max Nimmrichter
  • Christa Nussbaumer
  • Susanna Oberforcher
  • Eva Offenthaler
  • Sabine Ohler
  • Marion Ondricek
  • Philipp Orange
  • Primus Österreicher
  • Peter Oswald
  • Eva Elisabeth Ourada
  • Nicole Paces
  • Peter Pakesch
  • Gunther Palme
  • Hughes Partee
  • Viktor Paunovski
  • Georg Pendl
  • Ulrich Pendl
  • Ute Penteker
  • Margit Pertl
  • Muriel Petersilie
  • Friedrich Petri
  • Christian Peyerl
  • Hanns Martin Pfefferle
  • Angelika Pichler
  • Franz Pichorner
  • Michael Pilz
  • Peter Platzer
  • Victoria Platzer
  • Eva Plesser
  • Franziska Potzmann
  • Johann Prader
  • Harald Praschinger
  • Roland Pregartbauer
  • Günther Prindl
  • Valentina Prinz
  • Susanne Puhony
  • Leona Puhony
  • Peregrin Puhony
  • Gerhard Punz
  • Markus Putzlager
  • Dr. Christian Ragacs
  • Hubert Ranzinger
  • Eva-Maria Rauth
  • Berthold Rebscher
  • Adina Julia Rebscher
  • Jörg Reckmann
  • Marie-Catherine Reckmann
  • Ulrike Reiner
  • Julia Reisenbichler
  • Ellie Reiter
  • Katharina Reitz
  • Anna Relle
  • Marion Resch
  • Ruth Reschen
  • Gerlinde Richter
  • Marie-Theres Richter
  • Wolfgang Richter & Angela Suscher
  • Dr. Sepp Rieder
  • Gerhard Riegler
  • Brigitte Rieser
  • Michael Rinke
  • Christoph Rodler
  • Claudia und Ludwig Roithinger
  • Christian Roitner
  • Silvia Roller
  • Dr. Luigi A. Ronzoni
  • Marko Rosenberg
  • Anne-Katrin Rossberg
  • Robert & Sonja Rotenberg
  • Johannes Rothschedl
  • Natascha Nina & Ernst-Olav Dr. Freund & Dr. Ruhle
  • Brigitte Rys
  • SAE Institut Wien (Hans Christian Feßl)
  • Dr.Daniela SKIBA MSc
  • Robert Sailer
  • Robert Sailer
  • Martina Schallamon
  • Heide Scheel
  • Christine Scherleithner
  • Silvia Scherz
  • Dr.Martin Schick Hotel Capricorno
  • Nicoleta Schiel
  • Eveline Schinnerl
  • Alexander Schinnerl
  • Mag. Anna Schirlbauer
  • Peter Schittler
  • Alexander Schleiffer
  • Gerhard Schmid
  • DI. Dr. Herbert Schmid
  • Eva-Maria Schmidt
  • Stefan W. Schmitz
  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Schmitz-Mayr-Harting
  • Eva Maria und Dr. Erich Schneider
  • Tanzcaféniete Simon Schober
  • Herbert Schoderböck
  • Bärbl Schrems
  • Hilde Schroedl
  • Mandrea
  • Martin Schwanzer
  • Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer
  • Liane & Hermann Schärf
  • Sylvia Schönolt
  • Dr. Hadwiga Schörner
  • Tim Seidenberg
  • Franz Seilern
  • Jürgen Sieberer
  • Hassan Mehdi
  • Paul H. Simpson
  • Paul Skorepa
  • Sonja Skyba
  • Nora Snizek
  • Andrea Sommer-Mathis
  • Brigitte &Tomas Sorger-Kana
  • Anna Souchuk
  • Markus Souvan
  • Elisabeth Specht
  • Arnold Speer
  • Spenderin aus Floridsdorf
  • Peter Spiegel
  • Sophia Adriana Stabel
  • Christoph Stamatopolos
  • Jürgen Stampfer
  • Gudrun Stangl-Gorisek
  • Elisabeth Stecher
  • Valentina Steigerwald
  • Norbert Steiner
  • Stephanie Kalsberger
  • Peter Stieger
  • Silvia Stillfried
  • Herbert Stojaspal
  • Jutta Stolitzka
  • Ursula Storch
  • Andreas Stottan
  • Werner und Nina Strobel
  • Werner Strobel
  • Josef Strohschneider
  • Christina Strohschneider und Christopher Marchel
  • Sascha & Anand Strähle
  • Paul Swoboda
  • Christian und Catherine Tallinaud
  • Gerhard Taschner
  • Johann Tastel
  • Andreas Tentschert
  • Alexandra & Mario Terzic
  • Andreas Teufelbauer
  • Michaela Thalhammer
  • Silvia Thaller
  • Karl-Andreas Thein
  • Bettina Thun-Hohenstein
  • Lotte Tobisch
  • Laura Tomicek
  • Monika Anna Trabitsch
  • Christine Triebnig-Löffler
  • Naoki Tsuchiya
  • Natascha Tunkel
  • Anton Uhmann
  • Marella Valbusa
  • Nuria Vallaster
  • Ingrid Vavra
  • Matthias Vavra
  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Vitouch
  • Robert Vlasits
  • Heidelinde Volkert
  • Nadine Vorwahlner
  • Nicht WG
  • WINart Archiv f Kunstnachlass & Karikatur
  • Johanna Wagner
  • Stephan Wagner
  • Franz Waldner & Jutta Kraus
  • Elisabeth Wally
  • Gerhard Walter
  • Brigitte und Michael Moshammer
  • Celine Wawruschka
  • Franziska Weber
  • Artur Wechselberger
  • Barbara Wehr
  • Elisabeth Weintritt
  • Andreas Weinzetl
  • J.Fossy Weinzinger
  • Johannes Weiser
  • Bernard H Weiss
  • Patrick Weissböck
  • Rudolf Weisseneder
  • Alexander Weitzer
  • Max Wellan
  • Felix Wendt
  • Whe Do Kim
  • Dental Spa White Lounge
  • Peter Widler
  • Alfons Willam
  • Werner Willmann
  • Liselotte Willms-Deseyve und Peter Müller
  • Adelheid Wimmer
  • Wilhelm Wimmer
  • Sonja Winklbauer
  • Theodora Winkler für Familie Kornitzer
  • Christian Witt-Dörring
  • Daniela Witt-Dörring
  • Heribert Witte
  • Elvira Franta& Wolfgang Jansky
  • Elisabeth Wolfik
  • Rosemarie Wolfik
  • Liselotte Wolfinger
  • Nikolaus Wutka
  • Johann Wöss
  • Yvonne Franz
  • Georgine Zabrana
  • Sebastian Zankel
  • Sophie Zaufal
  • Lisa Zeiler
  • Marianne Zenta
  • Judith Zenta
  • Caroline Zimm
  • Karl Zimmel
  • August Zirner
  • Elisabeth Zuliani
  • Rudolf Zunke

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